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5 Important Vitamins and Minerals Your Children Need

Vitamins and Minerals

As a parent, you want to make sure that you are feeding your children the right foods to keep them happy and healthy. Have a read on to find out the key vitamins and minerals that should be incorporated in both your own and your children’s diets!

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One of the most important nutrients for your child is calcium. It encourages the healthy growth of bones and teeth, as well as playing a major role in maintaining the healthy development of the nervous system and muscles. Calcium can be found in dairy products like cheese, milk and yoghurt, as well as in eggs, green vegetables and many soy based products. Depending on the age of your child, they will need between 700 and 1300mg of calcium. For reference, a 250ml glass of milk has around 300mg.

Vitamin C

Not only is vitamin C essential in building a strong immune system, but it is also involved in helping the body to heal wounds and build tissue. Vitamin C is in most citrus fruits and a variety of other vegetables, so fruit salads or tomato and vegetable sauces are perfect to ensure the whole family is getting a vitamin C boost! If your child is quite fussy, vitamin C tablets are another great option, putting your mind at ease as you know they are accessing enough of this important vitamin.


Another really important mineral that is essential for healthy growth and development is iron. Iron makes up part of haemoglobin which transfers oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. Your body simply can’t function without it, so making sure your child consumes enough iron is important. If your child becomes iron deficient, they can feel faint, tired and lethargic, meaning they won’t be able to enjoy being a child as they should. Iron is available in supplement form, however you can also find it in red meat, beans, nuts and iron-fortified foods, such as many cereals and breads.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps your child’s eyes to develop well, it stimulates healthy skin growth and it can also work to fight off diseases. Vitamin A is rife in cheese, eggs, milk and yoghurts, as well as in a range of different vegetables such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes and peppers. Try making a cottage pie and instead of using normal potatoes for the mash, cook sweet potatoes and carrots until they are soft, mash with milk and butter and place on top of your meat mixture. It will taste delicious and is a great way to ensure your kids are eating enough vitamin A.


It really is quite simple to ensure that your child is receiving all the important nutrients they should be. If you struggle to fit all of these vitamins into your child’s diet through food alone, try a multi-vitamin tablet, as they should include most of the vital nutrients they need!

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