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Daily Use Products that MUST be Eco-Friendly

Daily Use Products that MUST be Eco-Friendly

To say that plastic pollution is a huge probably is putting it lightly.

It’s found in our oceans, on our beaches, in rivers, forests, even inside of fish. There’s really no escaping the impact which plastic is having on our planet.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it! Collectively, if we all pull together, we can make a difference and reduce our collective pollution output.

So, with that in mind, here are a few daily use products that must be eco-friendly for the sake of the planet!


You might not know this, but most nappies end up in landfills where they’re left to pile up uncontrollably. Either that, or they’re burnt, which can release harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Nappies are a pivotal part of parenthood (obviously). They ensure protection against unavoidable, unfortunate spills and accidents from your baby. But their impact on the planet is becoming more obvious

Try making the switch to bamboo nappies which have less of an impact on the planet. They’re a much more eco-friendly option – bamboo is natural and biodegrades much easier than normal nappies.

Plus, they’re hypoallergenic and super soft on skin!


Plastic bags are a menace. They take years to biodegrade and pollute the planet for generations.

Instead of picking them up from the supermarket, take your own reusable bags along with you. Not only are you reducing your impact on the planet by using one less piece of plastic, but you’ll look super stylish in the process.

Try a trend-setting tote or a beautiful bag-for-life. Either way, you can stride confidently knowing that you’ve had less of an impact on the Earth.

Coffee cups!

The coffee cup you pick up from your local café might not be very eco-friendly.

Most have plastic lids or non-biodegradable ingredients in them, making them one of the biggest culprits for polluting the planet – especially given the fact that they’re only used once!

Try investing in a fancy, reusable coffee cup. There are LOADS to choose from to fit your personal style, all you need to do is pop it in your bag and carry it with you to your favourite coffee spot.

Ask the barista to fill it up with your flat white and you can sip in style AND sustainability. Take that, single-use coffee cup.

Water bottles!

91% of the water bottles we use every year end up in a landfill, despite all recycling efforts.

Grab yourself a cool water bottle to refill, rather than reaching for that plastic, single-use, ‘disposable’ drinking vessel.

They’re a pleasure to drink out of – plus, the planet will thank you for not polluting it with even more plastic.

There you have it – a few super simple, super sustainable switches you can make to your daily use products in order to improve your own eco-friendly credentials.

They’re simple and easy, which might make you think that it’s pointless. But it’s not! In fact, if we all adapted a more positive attitude to making a change, we might be able to reverse the effects caused by an abundant use of plastics.

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